In Blogs We are the “Keepers of the Flame” – Stages of Widowhood I am a Widow, they say. I like to call us “Keepers of the Flame”, instead. Our light flickers, almost feels like its going… Continue Reading →
In Blogs A Widow’s Story From South Africa – We Call Her Anna Thank you for visiting A Widows World. In this first Widow Share Episode, Tanya Smith has the honor of sharing a Widow’s story from… Continue Reading →
In Blogs Widow Defined – I Will Hold My Head Up High A widow defined, is a woman who has been through hell losing a spouse, but holds her head high with a quiet strength that… Continue Reading →
In Blogs The Classification of a Widow{er} I want to share my thoughts on the classification of a widow or widower. By societies standards, that little status box we have to… Continue Reading →
In Blogs Keep Believing Even When Your Prayers Hit The Ceiling My Faith Had Lost All Meaning Keep believing even in the moments you feel you don’t have an ounce of belief in… Continue Reading →
In Blogs It Was Written Looking back on the past ten years and how fast it has gone by, I have a grateful heart. I understand what life means… Continue Reading →
In Blogs Have Courage Courage! Having the courage to step out and take action can be so hard sometimes. Truly though, the decision leading up to you actually… Continue Reading →
In Blogs Positive Encounters Every encounter in life matters. Every encounter leaves us with a chance to reflect looking at where we have been, where we are now… Continue Reading →
In Blogs International Widow’s Day June 23rd Today, June 23rd is International Widow’s Day! It is a day very close to my heart as I became a widow at the young… Continue Reading →
In Blogs Loss Cripples You Loss cripples you, it settles a fog over you. It completely changes you. I remember looking in the mirror after I lost John and… Continue Reading →